Jules Acree

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My 100% Natural Beauty Routine + Makeup Video!


The following post was sponsored by 100% Pure. All thoughts and opinions are completely (and always will be) my own. 

Hi guys! Well, this is surely a wildcard, but who doesn't love surprises? I want to share a quick little makeup video I made for *fun* using the 100% natural products I use every day. I talk about this brand all the time, and that is because I truly, truly love them so much. It is the core beauty brand I use. My mom wears it, too. So, we all know it's legit, 'cause mama don't play around. We are ALL about it.

Who is this incredible makeup brand, you might ask?

100% Pure Cosmetics


I wrote my first review about 100% Pure almost one year ago, and I still use most of the same products! Why? Because I trust them. They are clean, natural, cruelty-free, and they are responsible. My skin has never felt better, and my hair has become stronger and healthier than ever before. And don't take my word for it - try it yourself. I read ingredients before I purchase anything...food, makeup, hair products. It's all the same. I NEED to know what I'm putting in or on my body. That's why it takes me so long to shop. It goes a little something like this...


"Hold on, Andrew. I have to get lotion." 10 minutes later Andrew finds me in the aisle STILL staring at labels. Andrew: "UGHHH, just make a decision." Me: "I don't like the sound of this ingredient. Just hold on a sec, I have to google it."

Okay, so I drive him crazy. But, it's so important to me. My mom is the same way, so I guess I inherited these qualities from her. I'M GLAD. Ingredients matter. So, here's just a little peek into what I typically wear.

I had a blast putting this together. I love the idea of incorporating more videos into my blog as I move forward, so if you enjoyed it, please let me know!

Here's the breakdown:


There you have it! If you would like to learn more about 100% Pure, you can read what I wrote about Investing in Smart + Natural Beauty Products. This topic is so important to me, and I'm happy to share more on this in the future. Your girl be branchin' out, so look out.