Jules Acree

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Daily Self-Reflection and Why We Need It

S E L F  R E F L E C T I O N : We need more of it.  Most always.

With our New Year Resolutions still fresh in our minds, it's time to take a moment and see how we are doing so far. We are so concerned with our physical health that we tend to forget about our mental health. [Disclosure: I am actually out sick today, which is why I have a moment to sit down and reflect... Oh, the irony.]

Last week, I watched a Ted Talk by Guy Winch called "Why we all need to practice emotional first aid."

He wisely said, "We don't prioritize our psychological health. We know from dozens of studies that when your self-esteem is lower, you are more vulnerable to stress and to anxiety, that failures and rejections hurt more and it takes longer to recover from them."

This is SO true, and it applies to absolutely everyone. That's why I think it's vital to reflect upon the highs and lows of our lives, and take a mental scan of what's working and what's not. You can take steps to actively make changes, and ultimately lead a healthier and more balanced life. The Ying and the Yang.

R E A L I Z A T I O N: We shouldn't need to wait until our physical body is unwell for there to be time for a mental check-in. Trust me, I will take my own advice on this one.

So, here's three ideas to get started: 

  1. Designate time each day to sit, jot down creative ideas, epiphanies, and just make sure you are on track to accomplishing everything you set out to do for this new year.

  2. Take note of the people in your life that are uplifting you and show gratitude towards them.

  3. Take note of the people in your life that deserve better treatment, and make efforts to have more patience and understanding towards them.

Whether you choose to spend 15 minutes in the morning, afternoon, or evening.... just hold yourself accountable to daily check-ins.

As the J.R.R. Tolkien quotes goes:

"Little by little, one travels far."

With love, light and peace, jules x