5 Tips to Stop Procrastinating on Your Dreams

fear less, aerie

fear less, aerie

Hi Babes. This is important, so listen up. Stop procrastinating on your dreams. I read a lot of comments from people saying they wish they could do this or that, but they can't because this or that. Nope. I won't let you make excuses, because what you want matters. How you decide to spend your time, and ultimately, YOUR LIFE, matters. So, stop letting your dreams take the backseat.

So, let's hear some of the biggest reasons people procrastinate in the first place:

I'm worried I won't make enough money.

I just can't find the time to focus on it.

I'm scared to leave behind my steady job.

I'm scared I'll fail.

Yes, these are all legit worries. But, plenty of people are out there taking risks and killing the game, so who's to say that can't be you too? I'm not a stranger to the battle between the head and the heart. I'm very much a hybrid Type A / Type B personality. One side of me is logistical, analytical, and meticulous as all get out... but the other side of me is flying by the seat of my pants, taking big risks, and not looking back.

Read: Becoming Self-Employed: My 5 Biggest Learnings So Far

Now, I'm not saying go quit your job tomorrow without a plan or any money saved up. What I'm saying is: If you want to start a business, write a book, be a health coach or whatever it is that lights up your world, you need to start making conscious efforts towards achieving it - step by step.

Okay, so how does one stop procrastinating?

First, you have to believe in yourself.

If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will. One of the biggest obstacles you'll have to overcome is letting go of doubt. From feeling secure in making tough decisions to just going with your gut, everything you thought you knew will be put to the test. If you're ready to stop procrastinating and achieve your dreams, now is the time to start looking in the mirror, and telling yourself who's boss (you are).

Read: 10 Life Truths You Need to Hear Right Now

Next, make a detailed timeline, and take it seriously.

If your goal is to leave your full-time job by January 2018, create a timeline that works backwards from there. Write out high-level goals for every month leading up to January, and let each goal build upon the other. Make your goals quantifiable and measurable, so you know you're truly making progress. If you're not sure where to start, consider hiring a consultant in your field or finding a mentor to help you map out a plan. *Shameless Plug: I offer consulting services to bloggers, freelancers, and other social media and marketing professionals!

Get really good at tracking your time.

I like to use Toggl to track how long it takes me to complete certain tasks on my to-do list. Where am I spending most of my time? What is my time worth? These are all things you'll need to know, especially if you are going to be offering creative services as a freelancer. Know your worth - then add tax, my friends.

Cut back on unnecessary fancy things, so you can save!

Could you make the same bomb-ass avocado toast at home, perhaps? A few months ago, I realized that all of my money was going to smoothies, brunch, coffee, and expensive vegan eateries (ahem, By Chloe). I've since pulled myself over for a pep talk, and finally cleansed myself from my expensive eating habits. (Moving far away from By Chloe might have also helped.)

Just know, if you're going to take a risk, you'll need some cushion. So, prepare yourself. Aim to save at least 3 months of rent if you can. But, also know, life is unpredictable and no matter what ends up happening, you will make it work!

Forget what the rest of the world thinks. Stop comparing. Your journey will not look like ANYONE else's.

When I was studying fashion merchandising & marketing, I had someone close to me say they would never pay for that degree. Burn. I'm so glad I never let those people discourage me, because I've been making left turns my entire life and somehow ended up with what is RIGHT. And how? Because I've always listened to my heart, and I've never been afraid to leave a job that wasn't right, and I've spent years working really freakin' hard at something that I never expected would someday make my living.

fear less

fear less

What I'm saying is, you don't know what is coming for you, but you can manifest everything you want out of this life if you stay persistent. Surround yourself with the people that inspire you and make you better. Discipline yourself to get the work done. Stay passionate and creative by exposing yourself to others in your field. Always stay curious. Never stop being a student. And don't be afraid to let go! Let go of anything that is holding you back. Leave that job. Leave the freakin' country. Live your life full of adventure and no regrets.

Ride your failures up and down like a wave. It's part of life, afterall.

I'm not practical. Probably never will be. I dream big, and I've never been afraid to either. I have my parents to thank for that.

Friends, I love you. I believe in you. I'm proud of you. Stop procrastinating.

Make it happen! xo

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5 tips to stop procrastinating on your dreams | Don’t let procrastination keep you from making your big dreams happen! These 5 procrastination tips will help you stop stalling and take action toward your dream life. | Om & the City Blog #omandthecit…

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