I wasn’t always like this…

In fact, I was quite the opposite. I was a sentimental clutter-bug, my calendar was perpetually overbooked, and you’d frequently catch me saying “once I get through X, I’ll have free time again.” LOL, we all know how that goes.

I thought hustling harder, dedicating 12+ hour days and weekends to my biz, and staying “busy” would make me more productive, and therefore more successful. From the outside, I was killin’ it, but looking back, I was stressed and not actually fulfilled. I didn’t really make time to celebrate the small wins, because after I hit one milestone, it was onto the next.

After feeling burnt out from my own biz, I knew there had to be a better way of operating.

I became completely immersed and intrigued by minimalism - the idea of clearing space for what matters, reducing waste where I can, and being intentional with what I allow into my physical environment.

What started as one simple closet cleanout snowballed into an intentional lifestyle that drastically improved my anxiety, stress, and feelings of overwhelm while making me a happier, more peaceful human.

I learned that creating structure actually creates freedom.

I learned to embrace technology and make it work for ME.

I learned that self-care is productive (and a non-negotiable).

I learned that small shifts done consistently add up to the biggest change.

Little by little, I began clearing the clutter - mentally, physically, and digitally - and it empowered me to re-align my actions with my values. Through adopting sustainable shifts and tiny habits, I reclaimed my power and my business thrived as a result.

When you consciously take steps to simplify your life, you make room for the people, places, and things that truly matter. And thus, you begin actually living life by your own design - not by default.

So, that my friend, is why we simplify.

I'm excited to pass along the tools from my toolbox to help you create your own version of an intentional life.