21 Motivating Journal Prompts to Find Clarity When You're Feeling Stuck

21 Motivating Journal Prompts to Find Clarity When You're Feeling Stuck | Journaling is one of my favorite methods for finding clarity when I’m feeling stuck or unsure of what to do next. In this post, I’m sharing journal inspiration that will help …

Gettin’ stuck is a big ole part of life. Those feelings of overwhelm, not knowing where to start, doubting your brilliance… it’s one of those very human things that we all have to go through in order to endlessly create ourselves. Take it as a sign from the universe that when all of these confusing, paralyzing, uncomfortable feelings come up, it just means something is about to shift. Don’t confuse lack of clarity for lack of your own brilliance.

Think of it like an in-between ‘a ha!’ moment that means you’re in a transition period that’s about to challenge growth within yourself. It’s a very necessary regeneration process for personal development, and it will happen over and over and over again.

We live in a society that praises the hustle, the grind, and the “I’ll sleep when I’m dead” mentality. And sure, there’s a time and a place to hustle. But, there’s also a time and a place to rest, re-align, rinse, and repeat.

So, while the wheels are turning and the universe is telling you it’s time to slow down and turn inwards… it’s probably best to listen. While social media is a beautiful platform to get inspired, it can also make you feel more unclear and more stuck if it’s not being used mindfully [Related: How I Mindfully Approach Social Media]. I’m willing to bet, your biggest ‘a ha!’ moments in life didn’t happen when you were scrolling on Instagram. They happened when you unplugged from technology and tapped into your own brilliance. Maybe you were hiking a mountain or quietly journaling while sippin’ your matcha, maybe you were meditating, or perhaps you were in deep, deep discussion with your favorite humans on the planet.

Inspiration is all around us and all within us, and the road to clarity is by continuously asking yourself what you need and honoring that.

A big part of how I personally realign myself and find clarity is by creating space for my brain to just think and process. No books, no podcast, no Instagram, nada. I create space. Whether that’s meditating, riding my bike, or sitting outside in the sunshine with my journal, I let my brain do its thing rather than going into information overload and burning out from too much noisy stimulation.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I’m a big believer in both introspection and takin’ action. I like to think of this intersection as my sweet spot for purposeful productivity [Related: How I Maximize My Time as a Creative Entrepreneur]. By creating space for my brain to process my own thoughts, feelings, and ideas and then moving forward, I'm able to get reconnect with myself and navigate through life’s sticky spots.

When I start to feel overwhelmed with work, life, dreams, purpose, and all the things… I like to journal because it helps me work through my problems in real time. Here are some of the thoughts that I run through to help me get back into alignment with myself:

  1. What would make me happy right now?

  2. What's standing in the way of that happiness?

  3. What's draining my energy?

  4. What do I need to give up, say no to, or let go of?

  5. How can I re-prioritize my to-do list?

  6. What can I declutter physically or emotionally to find more ease and simplicity?

  7. What are 3 things I am most grateful for right now?

  8. Who are 3 people I am most grateful for right now?

  9. What am I really really good at? What’s my superpower?

  10. What would I be doing if money or other people’s opinions didn’t hold me back?

  11. What am I afraid of? How can I confront those fears head on?

  12. Where do I feel out of alignment with the things that bring me joy?

  13. What do I want to learn more about?

  14. What accomplishment am I most proud of this month?

  15. What is a short-term goal I’m confident I can achieve?

  16. What small action can I take this week towards that goal?

  17. How do I define success?

  18. What does self-care look like for me?

  19. What does my ideal day look like (i.e. where are you, who are you with, what are you doing?)

  20. Am I surrounding myself with people who bring out the best in me?

  21. What is an important lesson I’ve learned recently?

Sometimes life happens, and you have to juggle big things all at once which can contribute to feelings of overwhelm and lack of clarity. My rule of thumb is to do the best you can with what's in your control and everything outside of that is left for the universe. Get your answers and take time to move around, reschedule, delegate, etc. to make more space in your life and in your schedule. By continuously checking in with myself, it also helps me to make quicker decisions then, MOVE ON with less overthinking and more trusting.

No matter where you are, and no matter how it might feel, just know you're never truly stuck. It might take some planning, uncomfortable conversations, or some risk-taking. But, you're not stuck. You're always in control of changing your situation. So, if that's you, ask yourself some honest questions to help you take an empowering step in a more positive direction. Whatever it is, just know you CAN, and the best way to get unstuck is to get moving.  In the words of John Green, “Your now is not your forever.”

Don’t wait for the perfect job, the perfect relationship, or the perfect timing... just live your life. Find gratitude, peace, and fulfillment in the now and the in-betweens. That constant state of wanting more, more, more is a sure path to burnout. And when you’re always looking ahead, you might be missing the beauty of the life that is right in front of you.

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21 Motivating Journal Prompts to Find Clarity When You're Feeling Stuck | Journaling is one of my favorite methods for finding clarity when I’m feeling stuck or unsure of what to do next. In this post, I’m sharing journal inspiration that will help …

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