Jules Acree

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5 Morning Mantras to Start Your Day on a High Note

Our thoughts are the most powerful attribute of our existence. What we think has the power to create our reality, and those thoughts can either propel us forward with blazing confidence or derail our self-esteem. But, here’s the thing, the ball is most always in your court. We’re in control of our thoughts. By cultivating a more positive and empowering inner dialogue, we can start to embody it in our external life. That’s where mantras come in.

The word mantra originates from Sanskrit, and it translates to “instrument of thought”. It’s an ancient practice of repeating a word or phrase to focus the mind. While spiritual in its original practice, the act of repeating an intentional and empowering phrase can benefit anyone who is open to it. When we wake up and intentionally charge ourselves with positive energy, it sets the tone for the rest of the day.

To begin each morning on a high note, I sometimes like to recite ancient mantras or write my own to resonate with what I need that day. Here are 5 mantras I’d like to share with you that have lifted me up when I needed it. Give yourself permission to pause, even if it’s just for ten minutes. It will make all the difference, I promise you.

1. I exist, I matter, I belong.

Our existence is a gift, and each morning we get to choose how we want to live out our day. Even if it’s hard to let the challenges of the previous day go, try to set it aside while you focus on where you are now. Any anxiety you have for the day ahead, know that you are strong enough to handle it, and you will grow through it. Despite the natural ebb and flow of life, always know that you are significant and your thoughts, feelings, and dreams matter. Absolutely no one is immune to hardship, and everyone is battling something whether you’re aware of it or not. So, never feel alone in that.

2. I am strong. I am kind. I am smart. I am beautiful on the inside and out.

Say it, believe it, become it. Speak to yourself kindly, the way you would to your dearest friend. Remember, we reflect on the outside how we treat ourselves on the inside, so cultivate all of the beautiful, golden, and glowing energy you can muster.

3. I am not in control of anything or anyone, but myself.

Once you realize this, your day will run so much smoother. Don’t fret over the things beyond your control. You’ve got enough on your plate, so focus on what you know you can have a positive impact on. Leave behind anything that does not serve you, so you can have time for what actually matters to you.

4. I am me and that is my power.

Part of living your best life is not letting others rob you of your light. There is no one in the world exactly like you, so focus on you, your gifts, your creativity, and your power. You will do amazing things, and so will the person in front of you, behind you and next to you. Let’s live inclusively. Let go of comparison and cheer others on for their successes. Also, remember the people you are comparing yourself to have their own set of worries and insecurities, just like you.

5. I will not let fear of failing hold me back from going after what I want.

Please don’t let fear stop you. You don’t know what you don’t know, so take the risk. If you fail, you’ll learn. Fail forward, get better, help others, and your perseverance and consistency will pay off.

These are 5 mantras that work for me, but the most important thing is that you stick with mantras that truly feel aligned for you - whether it's these, ancient mantras, or ones you create for yourself. Recite it in your head or even say them out loud to give yourself a boost for the rest of the day. Repeat it, believe it, become it. Got a mantra or special morning ritual you love? Share it in the comments below!

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