How to Make Your Bedroom a Peaceful Retreat

How to Make Your Bedroom a Peaceful Retreat | It's important to me that our bedroom is a calming space where we can decompress, connect with one another, relax and be present. We are incredibly intentional about what comes into our bedroom, constant…

Having a bedroom that feels like a calming, peaceful retreat is something that Andrew and I continue to make a priority since our previous apartment, and even more-so now that we’re settled in our new house. We want our room to be a calming space to decompress, connect with one another, relax and be present. We're also very careful about what items we allow into our space and are consistently decluttering, purging, and reorganizing. This ongoing practice of simplifying my life has been one of the best acts of self-love for me personally. I can say that I LOVE our bedroom, and because we’ve been really intentional about what comes into this space, it truly feels like somewhere that we can rest and recharge.

Here are a few of my top tips for making your bedroom a peaceful retreat:

1. Air purifying plants

No surprise this one is on my list! Plants are one of the most simple ways to enhance an indoor space. They purify the air, and they create a calming atmosphere. If you’re looking for a good starting point, Philodendron is one of my all-time favorite fool-proof yet BEAUTIFUL plants. They thrive in both indirect sunlight and shade, making them a great bedroom plant. You can take clippings of their tendrils and place it in water which will then grow roots. I reuse my old soap dispensers as vessels. [Read my blog post on Houseplants for Beginners as a good starting point.]

How to Make Your Bedroom a Peaceful Retreat | It's important to me that our bedroom is a calming space where we can decompress, connect with one another, relax and be present. We are incredibly intentional about what comes into our bedroom, constant…

2. Technology boundaries

Set and stick to boundaries when it comes to technology & screens in your bedroom. A while back, we made a conscious decision to keep TVs + laptops out of the bedroom. This still holds true, and we avoid phone usage while in bed as well. This will help you avoid mindless social media scrollin’, and limiting screen time before bed will help you sleep more soundly! Instead, try reading or journaling if you want to unwind or just engage in some good ole conversation with your partner.

3. Open + decluttered space

Everything in our bedroom has been picked with purpose to make sure it enhances the space and truly makes us feel good. While it’s the quickest room to become messy (why can’t we put clothes back on their hangers?!), it’s also the EASIEST room to tidy since every item has a home.

4. Empowering books

Try keeping a good book sittin’ on your nightstand. I personally love reading things that make me feel more informed, that give me strength and encouragement, or challenge me to be my best self. With all of the inputs and information that we get, it’s so important to be the gatekeeper of what you take in and consciously decide what you fill your brain with each day. Find a book that can have a positive impact on your life or speak to your soul. You know, the ones that make you want to highlight, underline, and take notes right on the pages.

5. Quality sheets + a mattress topper

I’ve used linen sheets from Parachute for ages, and recently we upped our bedding game even further when we got a Parachute mattress topper. Now, I'm even more excited to go to sleep every night! It actually feels like I'm sleeping in a really nice hotel bed. When I lay down it’s like I'm sinking into a cloud. I honestly wish we had done it sooner. Investing in high-quality bedding is something that I've prioritized because getting quality sleep is so important to overall health, mental clarity and productivity. If you can swing it, I definitely recommend it. More on that in our Modern + Minimal Master Bedroom Reveal.

6. Relaxing essential oils

I love love love my essential oil diffuser from Saje. I’ve had it for a couple of years now, and I use it all the time. Breathing calming scents in your bedroom is such a nice way to unwind. Lavender oil is especially great for this. It helps me relax n’ release muscle tension, so I can sleep better. Sage Wellness is my trusted go-to for all things essential oils, because they’re organic, sustainable, and ridiculously high quality.

7. Pup snugs

Ok, this is a bonus tip. Snuggly pups just make life so much sweeter. Honestly, Luna brings us such immense joy, and therefore, she definitely deserves to be on this list! There’s truly nothin better than waking up to a sleepy pup all snuggled up between ya.

I’m so happy with The Om Home master bedroom, but not simply because of how it looks but how it makes me feel. You can peep our modern + minimal master bedroom here if you want to get the full tour. For me, it’s all about keepin’ it clear, clutter-free and simple so I have a space that makes me feel peaceful n’ recharged each day. If you’ve got any tips or ways you make your bedroom space feel blissful drop ‘em into the comments below!

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How to Make Your Bedroom a Peaceful Retreat | It's important to me that our bedroom is a calming space where we can decompress, connect with one another, relax and be present. We are incredibly intentional about what comes into our bedroom, constant…

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