Wellness Jules Acree Wellness Jules Acree

7 Tips to Naturally Improve Sleep Hygiene

I’ve been really mindful about working on simple ways and healthy habits that I can implement to improve my sleep hygiene, and get enough quality zzz’s. Here are a few things that I’ve worked on, and what has been helping me…

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Wellness Jules Acree Wellness Jules Acree

Those Winter Blues Won’t Get the Best of Me This Year

While there are a number of methods you can try to help with your winter blues, but I’ve learned that NOTHING works quite as well as some good ol’ ecotherapy (a.k.a.the great outdoors) combined with good company. I’m sharing some tips and winter activities to help you make the most of the colder months.

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Travel Jules Acree Travel Jules Acree

5 Tips for Maintaining Your Wellness Routine While Traveling

Since I’ve been traveling quite a bit recently, I figured it’s a good time to bring up wellness routines while on the road. In my travels, I have learned a few go-to’s that allow me to maintain my self-care practice and stay on my game even outside my normal routine and environment. Here are my tricks of the trade.

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